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U.S. Views on Israel and Palestinians
Corie Ford Corie Ford

U.S. Views on Israel and Palestinians

In recent years, U.S. public opinion has become modestly more positive toward both sides in the Israel-Palestinian conflict, according to a new Pew Research Center survey…

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Democracy 5784
Corie Ford Corie Ford

Democracy 5784

For those lucky enough to be traveling to Israel this year, an upcoming visit can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to engage and encourage, not only those protecting Israel’s population centers, but those defending Israel’s democratic institutions as well.

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Israel's Constitutional Moment?
Corie Ford Corie Ford

Israel's Constitutional Moment?

The fight over judicial reform in Israel could, potentially, bring about progress in a positive direction — if the battle over the role and powers of Israel’s branches of government were to finally bring about a long-delayed pillar of democracy: a written constitution…

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Americans are widely pessimistic about democracy in the United States
Corie Ford Corie Ford

Americans are widely pessimistic about democracy in the United States

Only about 1 in 10 U.S. adults give high ratings to the way democracy is working in the United States or how well it represents the interests of most Americans... Majorities of adults say U.S. laws and policies do a poor job of representing what most Americans want on issues ranging from the economy and government spending to gun policy, immigration and abortion.

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Marshall Plan for Middle East Peace
Corie Ford Corie Ford

Marshall Plan for Middle East Peace

Ronald S. Lauder, President of the World Jewish Congress, has called for a “’Marshall Plan’ for the Middle East”, expressing hope that a global economic development plan directed at young Palestinians, young Egyptians and young Jordanians – that provides international investments for new businesses where few exist today – could ultimately lead to a peaceful solution in the region.

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Unite to Defend Democracy
Corie Ford Corie Ford

Unite to Defend Democracy

UnXeptable is the first Israeli-American movement to emerge since the Israeli-American Council, and it has developed on a wholly organic, ground-up basis…

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Confronting a Constitutional Crisis
Corie Ford Corie Ford

Confronting a Constitutional Crisis

The reason the Israeli protests have been so effective is that even in a society rent by so many divisions, Israelis have gone into the streets because they believe deeply that their very way of life—the character of their society, and the image they have of Israel as an open, tolerant, and democratic polity with all its weaknesses, including the Israeli occupation—is fundamentally threatened.

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Democracies in Progress
Corie Ford Corie Ford

Democracies in Progress

Four score minus five years ago, this country was established “for the benefit of all its inhabitants,” according to its Declaration of Independence.

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Safety in a Storm
Corie Ford Corie Ford

Safety in a Storm

Far from home, and longing for a semblance of security amidst the winds change buffeting her society, Linoy Yechieli’s evocative new music video Parachute speaks to all who seek safety and tranquility in these most uncertain times.

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Dialogue has value when purposeful and safe: Palestinian thoughts on constructive engagement
Corie Ford Corie Ford

Dialogue has value when purposeful and safe: Palestinian thoughts on constructive engagement

D.C., that brings together American, Israeli and Palestinian changemakers who want to improve their own societies, has held a series of roundtable conversations with diverse thought leaders selected from a variety of constituencies on their respective red lines regarding conversation and dialogue. We wanted to know how these individuals determined with whom they would and wouldn’t engage.

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Enthusiasm for Heart of a Nation’s Academy
Corie Ford Corie Ford

Enthusiasm for Heart of a Nation’s Academy

Two weeks of meetings with Israeli and Palestinian activists confirmed Heart of a Nation’s assumption that younger and older changemakers are ready to work together to fix what’s broken in their respective political cultures.

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There’s still hope in the Holy Land
Corie Ford Corie Ford

There’s still hope in the Holy Land

In a recent visit to the Middle East, Heart of a Nation found young Israelis and Palestinians deeply committed to improving their political cultures of their respective societies.

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Images of Angst and Aspiration
Corie Ford Corie Ford

Images of Angst and Aspiration

Heart of a Nation spent two weeks engaging veteran and emerging changemakers in more than a dozen centers of Israeli and Palestinian angst and aspiration.

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